I know how you feel Mamya.I have been a widow man for almost three years.
Can't see a lot of solace in co-habiting with Chambers though.
Better stop this thread as others will be complaining about it turning into a lonely hearts club.
Thank you Terry.
In appreciation of your support I will withdraw my remark to you posted on the thread -Women Spend Minimum of 70 mins.Dressing up.
Aug.13th @ 02.14.
From an inadequate Joker.
The idea of a lonely hearts club is fraught with difficulties. Some of the guys on here (you know who I mean) you wouldn't want to meet in a well lit alley!
Was not trying to make anyone feel guilty, I think as the second anniversary looms, am a bit more wistful than usual and of course Mr Chambers is a poor replacement for my hunk of a man. If anyone wants to complain, well let them!!