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10th December 2019, 11:48
I think the answer is IL Ponderoso, but can't find any search info on it. Can anyone confirm that ?
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10th December 2019, 11:50
Better to give the puzzle and the clue. Could it be IL PENSEROSO, a poem by Milton?
You may be thinking of the Ponderosa, the ranch in Bonanza!
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10th December 2019, 12:03
Sat.Times 27528 ?

Melancholy character of writer - in one line old wounds recalled (2, 9)
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10th December 2019, 12:48
iblack, if you are new to this forum, welcome, but it is asked that you please follow the forum posting tips:.


1. State the name (and number if available) of the puzzle in the thread title. "Stuck", "Help!!!" or "Last One" aren't very useful titles.

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10th December 2019, 12:50
Thanks both for your replies, I think Chrise has got it right.
I thought Il Ponderoso might be a character in a Spanish writer's work that I had never heard of.
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10th December 2019, 13:16
Def - melancholy character
I L - one line
PEN - writer
O SORES - old wounds, backwards ("recalled")
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