Hi, folks. Thanks to you all for taking part in the competition. I reckon (and as most of you probably know, my reckoning is not always without error) we have ended up with 23 clues from 12 setters, with Nemo having been particularly productive with a worthy large percentage of the final total.
Personally, I enjoy taking part in these competitions but absolutely hate judging them. As I warned last week, I'm afraid I shan't be giving an in-depth critique of every clue.
As ever, a multitude of excellent clues with everyone submitting at least one good effort IMHO (so no shame if you don't get a mention).
I liked Ginge's commentary on the demise of our High Streets @5.
I liked Malcolm @9's use of "F" as a "sex" but must admit I'm getting confused as to what the difference is between "sex" and "gender" (as are many these days, apparently). I see one as a fact, whether you like it or not, and the other as an aspiration. The same with colour and ethnicity. (I, personally, self-identity as a purple, hermaphrodite Inuit).
I shall also mention Paul @15 (no apologies necessary, Paul - tickled me and almost got the vote!), PeterM @19 (I liked both parts of the double definition), Mattrom @29 (great surface and, although I'm not a sports fan, I immediately recognise the current problem), and ChrisE @33 for an almost poetic entry.
Just coming in at the last minute with a tweak (which made all the difference), Nemo gains the Prize for @35
A disaster back in Sellafield might give this out
Giving you a break from my eclectic (some may disagree) and sometimes dubious (most would agree) taste in music, I give you a timely festive reminder of what may happen if you don't "drink responsibly" . (In saying that, I think that I'm going to have to seek oblivion on Friday once I wake up to find out who is Prime Minister).
Best wishes, everyone