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Crossword Help Forum
Forum Rules

norah (admin)

25th November 2019, 10:15
Thank you everyone who has reported spam, especially in the past 2 days, I appreciate each and every message.

However, to keep it simple and to save you all the effort of reporting the spam, can the first person to report spam please post in the relevant thread that the spam has been reported.

If you see “spam reported” in a thread, then there is no need to report it again.

I scan down the Forum looking at thread headings fairly regularly to try and pick up spam but I do not read the threads themselves. It is particularly important, therefore, that spam WITHIN THREADS is reported as I wouldn’t see it.

Thank you once again for your help, together we are managing keep the Forum as Spam free as is humanely possible.
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25th November 2019, 21:08
Wham! Spam. Thank you Ma'am!
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