@Malone - Azed stands alone as a weekly barred puzzle which is always set by the same person (as it has been for the last 47 years!). As such it offers a unique opportunity to 'get into' the setter's clueing style, but since that style is significantly different to most other barred puzzles it can present problems to solvers, even experienced ones, who are new to the series.
I published a weekly Azed blog for several years, in which I tried to explain some of the trickier aspects of the clues. Something that came across very clearly from comments on the blog was that solvers early in their Azed careers found the puzzles quite tough, but those who had been solving them for a few months found the perceived difficulty decreasing substantially (and, for some at least, their satisfaction increasing as they came to appreciate the meticulous construction of the clues).
Incidentally, my comments about degrees of difficulty concerned barred puzzles taken as a whole - quite often the 'straight' clues in an EV or a Listener, say, are easier than those in an Azed, but this is typically outweighed by the extra complexity of clues with gimmicks, clues which have to be cold solved, solutions which have to be mutilated prior to entry in the grid, and the wonderful welter of other thematic doohickeys.
I do see a fair number of queries from relatively new Azed solvers, but not usually on this particular forum, where Azed-related posts tend to be discussions of a point of interest started by long-term Azedistas.