A good response this week with 29 clues from 11 setters.
I honestly enjoyed all of your contributions. I shall make a few comments now but don't be put off if you're not mentioned - and above all keep playing !
A nice story from chris#3 fiery #7 aristo#10 and paul #16.
I loved dorrien's concise #18 but would never ever would have figured couple=abridge.
Special mention for a tour-de -force subtactive from ginge at #11.
In the final analysis it came down to our two most productive setters both of whom also kept up an amazingly high standatd
Runner up is paul's well-disguised anagram with a super smooth surface at #13
This week's winner was also well hidden in plain sight
kt17 #6
Spanner found in hybrid generator (6)
Is "spanner" the new "flower" ?
Your prize
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVDWN_bpeac enjoy!
Many many rhanks for playing and see you all soon