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17th November 2019, 20:09
12a where Spaniards were silent almost 24 hours that's nothing to a frenchman(6) D??I?N

I think my letters are correct!
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17th November 2019, 20:23
De Rien means 'that's nothing', it doesn't matter etc, in French.That's as much as I can see!
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17th November 2019, 20:46
Thank you chips
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17th November 2019, 22:20
DARIEN in Panama was conquered by the Spanish conquistadors. DA(Y) almost 24 hours + RIEN French for "nothing" . Don't get the "silent" but though.
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17th November 2019, 22:22
"bit" not "but"!
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17th November 2019, 23:05
John Keats wrote a poem that ended with "Silent, upon a peak in Darien""

Does that have any relevance?
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18th November 2019, 13:05


18th November 2019, 14:09
Keats famously got the wrong Spaniard - it was Balboa who first saw the Pacific from the peak in Darien!

You'll remember, elle, that Darien was what the Swallows called the promontory from which they first saw Wild Cat Island.
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18th November 2019, 14:24
Goodness, Chris, it's a very long time since I read all the "Swallows and Amazons" books.......altho I do still have a few on my bookshelves!
I think Wild Cat Island was based on an island in Coniston Water?

I remember climbing Coniston Old Man, only to have a mist come down...and we couldn't see a thing by the time we got to the top!

So, do you think the "Silent, upon a peak in Darien"" at the end of Keats' poem, is what was referred to in the Guardian clue?
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18th November 2019, 14:33
Yes, elle - "Wild Cat Island" is exactly like Peel Island on Coniston SWater.
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