On the whole I didn't find this too difficult, but there were a few which took me an age to fully figure out.
17d for example, took a lot longer than it should. Mind you, it wasn't helped by me fixating on the wrong Oxford policeman.
13a was another that caused me no end of problems. I think it's either one of those clues you get instantly, or, like me, go down several rabbit holes first.
15a might also cause problems for some without a sporting knowledge.
I don't think 28a will cause any problems, as such, but it's only the second time I've seen a particular 2 letter used to mean 'very good', and the other time was in the Times.
Other than that I thought it was pretty straightforward and good fun, so thank you setter.
As usual, please feel free to leave any thoughts or queries you might have.
I was particularly pleased to see some newcomers post on the thread so, once again, if you're new to the Everyman or this Forum, please don't hesitate to join in - the more the merrier:-)