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3rd November 2019, 17:38
Actually I'm really glad you've mentioned it. I've long wanted to explain myself but the opportunity has never arisen before.

Basically, it makes it easier for people, especially those with less than 20/20 vision, to easily differentiate between their introduction, wordplay and the actual answer.

So often I've been trying to help a poster with a query, but when I read it, I have no idea where the clue starts and ends. For example, there might be an explanation as to why the question is being asked but then there's no punctuation or numbering to indicate ' right, now here is the clue.

So, I decided long ago to try and make my replies as clear as possible, at least as much as I could - hence capital letters for answers.

However, if it's annoying people I'm happy to think of another way.
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3rd November 2019, 17:47
PS I in no may meant that I thought you were complaining that it was annoying you, Malone.

However, I have answered a question or two in the past - not to be greeted with a word of thanks, but instead - "No need to shout". So I apologise if I went on a bit.
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3rd November 2019, 17:50
There are several partially- sighted people using this forum, so Brendan, it seems a good idea. I have often shown the def. in capitals which I do not intend to be taken as shouting , but a whole sentence in capitals would be !
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3rd November 2019, 17:55
I agree 100% Cerasus, that is why, if you look at all my replies on this thread, only the answers are written in block capitals, everything else, the explanations and parsing etc. are just written in normal lower caps.
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3rd November 2019, 17:57
Please say something Malone - I'm beginning to think that you I didn't realize you were just having a friendly joke:-)
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3rd November 2019, 18:13
Brendan, Sunday dinner needed to be seen to - I wasn't away in the huff!

Thanks for explaining about the capitals, and it sounds perfectly fine to me. I think it'll always look slightly odd - but not at all offensive - to me, but it won't bother me in the slightest. In some ways, all capitals makes more sense - I expect that's what most people use in their 'real' crosswords. At the same time, many forums think, say that 'caps = shouting', so people tend to avoid them.
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3rd November 2019, 18:21
That's good to hear, Malone. For a moment there I'd thought I'd lost a friend.

Enjoy your dinner:-)
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