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20th October 2019, 20:54
I have the answers to these clues but need to parse them in order to be completely satisfied.:-
13 Down - "Interstate traffic just the ticket"
(IDEAL) (Surely "I" isn't an abbreviation of "interstate?

15 Down - "A flyer perhaps about to ring off" (EGRET)

27 Across - "Saying April's ending is madness" (MANIA)
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20th October 2019, 21:03
27 Mania is supposed to sound like May Near, when April's ending. An awful clue!

13 Maybe I for Interstate is on the US road signs (interstate traffic)?

15 Eg, perhaps, Re, about +T(O), ring off/drop the O.

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20th October 2019, 21:06
Hi Malone and Rocketman, that has to be one of the worst homophone clues I've ever seen.
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20th October 2019, 21:08
I agree!
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20th October 2019, 21:08
Thanks, Brendan - I can't think of any other way for the answer to work, but it really is grim!

PS Glad to see your Everyman thread flourishing. I've looked at the last couple of puzzles and there didn't seem to be any of the poor stuff that plagued the first few 'new' puzzles.
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20th October 2019, 21:10
Thanks again, Malone! Yes, that month clue is terrible! I can go along with the egret one, convoluted though it is, and I don't quite see the "Ideal" one, but, then again, many questions on this sight relating to the Skeleton have gone totally unanswered, so you did well to reply at all!
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20th October 2019, 21:15
Thanks Malone.

I was just saying to Mamya a couple of weeks ago how subjective assessing the difficulty of crosswords can be. There was an Everyman a couple months ago I could barely make head nor tails of, yet virtually everyone else was saying how it was becoming too easy! And I thought this weeks was pretty straightforward, but I seem to be in a minority - again!
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20th October 2019, 21:17
Brendan, one solver's easy-peasy is another solver's nightmare! I see this on a regular basis here, not just with Everyman. Rusty, for example, finds some of the Times puzzles 'quite straightforward' or 'good' ...and I'd battled with it all morning!
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20th October 2019, 21:19
Hello Brendan - I don't do the Everyman but I like a crack at the
Maskerade puzzle in the Guardian at holiday times. He's not quite as
good as his predecessor, Araucaria, but still enjoyable.
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20th October 2019, 21:27
I think, Brendan, that it just all depends on how an individual's mind works?
We may all react differently to various clues.......what is the expression..."One man's meat is another man's poison"?
Or something like that!
And it doesn't necessarily mean that the clue is cleverer or poorer....or , as some people seem to think if they cannot "solve" a clue, that the compiler has made an error or put forth a clumsy clue (!)
Simply that one's reaction to the clues will vary......
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