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8th October 2019, 15:42
Face flipping Magnus Carlsen? You must be drunk! (3). the answer is mug, but I can't for the life of me think why. Face is probably the defintion or it could be 'you must be drunk' alluding to the other meaning of the word. But what's flipping (no eupehmistic swearing intended) Magnus Carlsen got to do with it? Please put me out of my misery!
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8th October 2019, 15:51
He's a chess grandmaster, GM, flipped => mg, with "u" being drunk.
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8th October 2019, 15:55
I think it's that in chess he is a Grand Master -GM and the 'you must be drunk' means insert a U in it and 'flip/reverse' it.
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8th October 2019, 17:11
Thank you, Brendan and Ginge, both for clarifying the matter and your speedy responses! I did google the guy and discovered he was a chess grand master but didn't twig that that could be abbreviated to an acronym - duh!
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8th October 2019, 19:22
Glad to help Kitabu.
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