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29th September 2019, 16:12
It's hard to come up with a hint for the first part of the 'portmanteau' word. It's easier for the second bit - that's just a shortened form of what all the unclued entries are, they're all forms of '...…...'. If you spot that in the grid, you might get the first bit - but if this doesn't help, please come back!
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2nd October 2019, 21:30
Thanks Malone for your help - I have been slow with my thanks due to "events" , Apologies for the discourtesy. Puzzle comleted.
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2nd October 2019, 22:08
Thanks, Truron. Glad you finished the puzzle. I'm sorry I couldn't come up with an inspired clue for that last step - I think I opted for giving away too little rather than too much!
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