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23rd September 2019, 14:37
1A. Meeting that forms character (1 8) I have ? JUNCTION Could it be T or Y
Also 23A (6) Advance miles in road, then twist foot. I?M?U?
Thank for any advice you can give me.
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23rd September 2019, 14:46
23 IAMBUS (a metrical "foot" in poetry"
SUB - advance (money) Motorway
AI - road

T looks more likely, but there deosn't seem to be a way to decide
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23rd September 2019, 16:11
Whilst junctions come in the shape of a 'T' or a 'Y', I cannot ever remember hearing a Y junction so described. It's normally said to be a 'fork'.
And, if the 'T' or 'Y' don't check with another answer, it's irrelevant anyway.
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