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15th September 2019, 01:34
I found this week's Everyman quite a bit more difficult than those of recent weeks.

That said, there are some cracking clues.

3d is topical and well crafted.

11a has a wonderful bit of misdirection in there that left me desperately trying to fit in a particular letter that simply isn't there.

14a fits beautifully under the "less is more" heading.

17d has a clever mix of the setter's techniques.

But, like I said, there are some very trick clues in there also.

27a was a word I'd never heard of, at least not that form of it, and it didn't appear in any of the word search engines that I checked.

23d is a cricket term, so that might cause a bit of head scratching, but the wordplay is clear.

There are 2 clues I'm still not 100% sure I've got right:-

18a has a letter pattern shown after the clue as (4,3), but in the crossword itself, there is no dark black line between the fourth and fifth boxes, indicating it's all one word. However, I couldn't get anything if it is a seven letter word so am going with the (4,3) option but, to be honest, still have no idea how the first word is parsed, assuming I have it correct.

24a is another that I can't fully parse and only got it because the crossing letters pretty much mean it can't be anything else - but if anyone can explain it I'd appreciate it. I'm wondering if, like 10 across, it's a "&lit" clue.

All in all though, a very enjoyable Everyman. I think it's clear the 'new' setter has definitely found his/her rhythm.

PS I'm always on the look out for 'Ninas' and, although I've yet to find any, I did notice that the second row very nearly begins with the name of one of this Forum's most well known and popular contributors.

As always, please feel free to leave comments and ask for any hints if you get stuck.
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15th September 2019, 02:22
I think 1st part of 18a is like "carry a torch" that's all I can see.

Stumped w 22a and 28a but shall sleep on em.

With you on 24a
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15th September 2019, 03:07
I agree with you entirely Brendan. Very challenging today but fun.

24a - parsing hint perhaps: 2nd to 6th letters inside letters 9, 8 and 1 backwards. meaning is clear of course.

18a - Definitely 2 words. I agree with clarkgwent on the first word.

I had to google 22 because I'm not familiar with the area (being from NZ)

14 I don't understand how the first part of the clue relates to the answer.

Spent way too long figuring out 7 down.

The spelling of 20 down is what stumped me for a while.

21 I thought was good.
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15th September 2019, 03:09
Sorry - 24a - 2nd to 7th letters
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15th September 2019, 03:11
Hi Brendan, re 24a. Definition is 'having branches'
A 3-letter word for 'cut' in the sense of 'left quickly', reversed around 'using the net'.
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15th September 2019, 08:14
I agree some quite tricky clues and parsing this week. I too don’t understand how the start of 14a relates to the answer.

Also I felt the first part of 18a was a bit of a stretch but just about worth it for the quality of the wordplay.

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15th September 2019, 08:27
I need a little help with 10a - Entertaining literature: primarily, a deep source (6)
I have M?L?E and have no idea what it is. Are my letters correct please?
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15th September 2019, 08:48
Hywel, I have an author. A 'deep source' around the first letter of literature..
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15th September 2019, 09:01
Jo and Hywel Re 10A: Yes, I (FINALLY) landed on the same answer. How on earth you're meant to know you're looking for an author's surname from that clue utterly defeats me. One of a number of awful clues this week, I reckon. According to COD, one of the solutions is an erroneous plural, too! Hope this doesn't man we're heading back to the dark days of January with this setter.
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15th September 2019, 09:03
re 14a the concluding letter of Guiness + word for 'sells' is also &lit (literally so ) ?
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