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28th August 2019, 14:27
Am I the only one who hasn't got a clue what TT CHAPTER refers to?? Grid almost complete but none the wiser.....
T Pratchett involved??
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28th August 2019, 14:43
Isn't it just the anagram of what/who you've mentioned?!
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28th August 2019, 15:04
Oops!! Had all the characters but was convinced I was missing an insider reference to one of the books...Thanks for putting me out of my misery!
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manic mary

28th August 2019, 15:24
I have most of the grid and know the shaded place but have no idea of the characters as have not read the series. Can someone give me a clue as to how I find them, have tried Google but am obviously not inputting correctly.
Thank you
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28th August 2019, 15:25
Just got to the end myself.

I am unclear as to how to highlight the F Es and the G A'T

Any help appreciated.


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28th August 2019, 15:38
Hi Manic

I just googled the name of the series and characters and they were all easy to find.

They are 9, 5, 5 16 letters in the misprints.

They start
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28th August 2019, 16:01
MM, I didn't bother with all the names - the first one was enough to confirm the theme.
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28th August 2019, 16:03
Hi novice, remember it's a "graphical" representation. The F (number) is there in full with the creatures being generic (forming part of the representation of the main "supporter".
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28th August 2019, 16:07
Hi Ginge

Thanks for your help.

I can see what you are getting at but whatever I shade doesn't look like much of a T to me.

I have F*** and H***S but as for the rest of the two names I can see a variety of ways of shading but not a great likeness?
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28th August 2019, 16:15
Hi again novice, I don't have the puzzle I front of me so I'm doing this from memory.
In row order,
F = 4 cells
Creatures split over 3 descending rows, 1,3 & 5 cells with the specific holder having its "head" in the cell 2 left of the 5 above then the next symmetrical 7 followed by 2 high which contiguously spell its name.
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