Almost a full grid with the necessary 33 cells do i resolve the clash of 1a /3d or 40a / 27d ( although that must be E)
How do the clashes give the eponymous character?
Help please with my last one, 1a. Festival for son to eat fruit, quite the contrary.
I have P?S?E? But not 100% on the P, (can’t parse 1d), maybe it’s Easter...
Thanks both. All done.
I needed a C to make my theme character and there it is.
I was believing xcrosswordfan at post 1 above, that the clash was at 3d and 1a!
Must add I don’t think Work in chamber giving POGO is very fair.
Enjoyed this. It’s a great play if done well, (have seen three), needs directorial invention to make it work. Hence one of least performed.