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28th July 2019, 01:19
I hope Malone doesn't mind me plagiarizing her idea but, following on from last weeks discussion on the high number of Everyman threads, it does seem sensible to have two separate threads - one where we can discuss the clues, and this one, where people can ask for help in getting answers, without fear of spoiling it for others.
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28th July 2019, 10:09
Yes, two separate threads sounds a good idea, if you want to discuss the clues, aside from giving assistance with hints and answers.
I think Norah introduced this concept with the "Listener" threads, and that seems to work well.

I doubt though that contribution will be confined to only two Everyman threads!
But you never know…...
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28th July 2019, 11:29
Thanks, Brendan - good to see your two threads. Norah was happy for there to be two Listener threads - mainly because that puzzle can arouse such strong feelings! I hope your two distinct threads are successful, though we might still end up with umpteen Everyman threads.

Everyman himself/herself has put a comment on the latest blog, at fifteensquared.
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