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23rd July 2019, 18:31
Quite a few queries which I need help with parsing so explanations preferred rather than just giving me the answer....
10A) Grass with designs on getting high? S?A?D (5)
6D) Name a Tudor king climbing on some rocks (7) Is it Rhaetic? If so, why?
17A) Spooner's heard to murder writer then collect some money (4,2). Is it Pass Go? If so, why?
21D) Thread of what you are studying, say? (4) Is it clew? If so, why?
19A) Property of match that's heading to conclusion (5) Q???E. Is it quale? If so, why?
24A) Auditor's inconclusive confusion when it's time for work (8) ??E?D?Y?. Is it weekdays or Tuesdays...can't parse this one at all
25A) Vehicle threequarters full of fodder (4) ???Y. Think it might end in hay as threequarters of the four lettered word.
It's tooooooo hot to even think.
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23rd July 2019, 18:43
17 Yes.
Pass go (spoonerism [HEARD]) Sounds like 'gass Po'
Gas (Edgar allan ) Poe
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23rd July 2019, 18:44
17 Spooner could have said Gas Poe (murder writer)

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kilgore trout

23rd July 2019, 18:45
17 Spoonerism of GAS POE
21 Sounds like CLUE
24 Sounds like WEAK DAZE
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kilgore trout

23rd July 2019, 18:49
19 Match=EQUAL, head (E) the end gives QUALE
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23rd July 2019, 18:50
25a s hay - a light carriage ?
Three quarters of the word is hay - fodder
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23rd July 2019, 18:53
10a Sward (grass)
Designs = Draws ( getting high infers it is returned)
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23rd July 2019, 18:55
6d Rhaetic - regarding rocks in the Triassic period
cite a Henry Rex reversed
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23rd July 2019, 19:10
Thank you all....much appreciated!
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