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16th July 2019, 15:21
German igneous rock 11d
Would appreciate a hint as I am devoid of ideas.
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16th July 2019, 15:27
Joycie, it's always good to give the full clue - then those without a copy could help.

The answer is a German word, rock, but it is in Chambers. What letters do you have so far? That way I can see how best to hint!
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16th July 2019, 15:51
The letters I have are ????e?s?h??? Pathetic I know but any help would be appreciated, your point about posting the whole clue is noted.
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16th July 2019, 15:56
Thanks, Joyciee.

Perks up about unionist joy accepting bit of igneous rock from Germany (12)

Rock from Germany is the definition. It's a very odd-looking word, which I got only from working through Chambers!

There's an anagram of 'perks' involved, and the usual 'unionist'. 'Bit of igneous' is just one letter, and that's put inside a five-letter word for 'joy'. That covers all the letters in the entry, but two Fs are needed for the actual answer.
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16th July 2019, 16:23
Thanks malone.
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16th July 2019, 16:30
Hope it's enough, Joycie - but come back if it isn't!
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17th July 2019, 19:12
I have a full grid (apart from one letter), the definition from the removed letters andthe word itself. However I cannot parse 25ac - 'Trader arranged to trap immature sandpiper' (7). I have ARTE?ER and the removed letter is B. The missing letter must be D from TRADER mustn't it, but what about the rest? Also I cannot see the significance of the title 'Cary'. Help!!
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17th July 2019, 19:32
trader is actually the defn ...
so barterer ...
immature here means cut short the word
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18th July 2019, 14:16
Hi kirky, thankyou for that. I understand your comment about 'immature' meaning unfinished, but I can't see the connection with sandpiper. Also still not got the significance of Cary. Otherwise I spent an enjoyable couple of days completing this puzzle (almost)!
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18th July 2019, 14:20
Bigf, the sandpiper is Terek, then it's shortened. I haven't come up with anything about the title.
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