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14th July 2019, 12:04
Former movie star the worse for drink?(5) ?eery. Is it beery?
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14th July 2019, 12:08
Wallace Beery was a film actor.
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14th July 2019, 12:20
There were also Noah Beery (Wallace's nephew) and his son Noah Jr., best known for his part in "The Rockford Files".
Is there any reason why 30 across is what it is apart from the fact that it is the first name of the current captain of the Welsh RU XV?
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14th July 2019, 12:33
InternationAL UNqualified
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14th July 2019, 12:34
No, that's it for 30a - without the question mark the definition would be 'Rugby skipper' (the first name of the current Welsh RU captain) and the wordplay 'in international unequalled', but with the question mark the whole clue can be read as an '&lit'.
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14th July 2019, 13:06
Liz, I'd already seen what you indicate, otherwise I wouldn't have mentioned the first name of the current captain of the Welsh RU XV.
It just seems a poor clue, worse even than 32a.
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