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4th July 2019, 14:41
Am I getting old, thick or RT xwords getting harder? It's just that i see hardly any threads for RT these days. HINTS ONLY please for 13D Civic German city with no hospital, I joined friend (9). All I have is ---I-I---. 15AC, Dreamy county, not unknown to receive concrete (7) -----A- is all I have there. These two would help me fill in the other obvious blanks. Thanks in anticipation. I'm now out to mow the lawn and be driven hairless by mares' tails.
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4th July 2019, 14:54
13d.First part German city almost with famous beer festival.
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4th July 2019, 14:56
13d take H from an actual German city for the first 5 letters

The definition I have for the other is "dreamy". It starts with most of a county, but I forget where I got the lst two letters from!
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4th July 2019, 19:16
Many thanks, gentles both. It did help me fill in the rest. Like you Chrise I couldn't see the reason for the final two letters...presuming, that is, the definition could be applied to SeƱor Dali
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5th July 2019, 16:34
I am puzzled by the clue given for "dreamy" .
If the last 4 letters are synonym for 'concrete' this messes up the 'county' (minus y) There seems to be a setter's error unless anyone can fathom this
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5th July 2019, 16:54
Cerasus, I completely agree. The clue as it is doesn't work for me. Removing the 'unknown' indicates removing only one letter, so the 'concrete' can't be added to that. If we have the concrete, then we can't have the first part of the answer, clued as it is ....
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