Touches I like include the swallowed swords from kt17 & chrise, nemo's épée, sunray's very rich (new to me) and fiery's patsy (good use of initial capitalisation).
I'm going to take the unusual step of listing my "final" shortlist as I find them all very worthy and highlighting what a really tough decision this has proven to be: skyewalker 4 & 7, paul 13, peterm 14, stevea 20, 21 & 29, mattrom 24, BBM2 25, aristo 27 and nemo 32. However, in Highlander style "there can only be one" and after quite a bit of swithering I'm plumping for aristo @ 27 (wordplay tops, particularly letter and a quirky definition which would have made me smile on solving in a puzzle)
Start of silly dispute with letter from show-off with edgy introduction
Your prize though predictable is worth a gander. I don't watch these type of shows or a lot of TV in general but was forwarded this clip which impressed me.
Until next week, cheers.