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5th June 2019, 20:53
Playing indoors with bricks won't help you. Go outside and get some exercise on the field.
21 of 31  -   Report This Post


5th June 2019, 21:16
Playing with (b)ricks could help....
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5th June 2019, 21:32
Thanks both "That'll be the Day". What a clever clue.
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6th June 2019, 12:17
This is by far the hardest for a long time. With such arbitrary themed clues, there's little in the way of a crossword element to it.

However, I have now finished it all except for 3,15. I have the author, and an idea for the title. As it is, I don't even know how to ask for hints. I assume the first six letters are the building, and then I have an anagram of one word in the clue, and a synonym for the same word. And no idea where the piglet comes in. Help, please ...
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6th June 2019, 12:45
Take the outside of piglet and build with the letters of two other clue words to give the last seven letters of the answer.
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6th June 2019, 12:47
That's it. Thanks, Notrab
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david w

8th June 2019, 16:10
With help from notrab's hint I think I've solved 3, 15. However the answer means nothing to me and the only connections Google can find seem to be with pornographic videos. Where is this title to be found?
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8th June 2019, 19:51
There is a long-standing joke about the amount of alcohol people put in sherry trifle Christmas time. Sherry (or "Sheri" in the puzzle) is often regarded as the preferred drink of the elderly who are assumed to only drink around Christmas time.

Hope that explains the connection.
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david w

8th June 2019, 23:01
Thanks for trying muraria, and I suppose you have given me me 23,32. But I still have no idea what is supposed to be going on either with this clue or with any of the other themed answers, some of which appear not to use real words. If you have the patience to offer another hint I'll gratefully look again, but I'm much inclined to think that a puzzle which requires guessing the setter's private references is not worth bothering about.
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8th June 2019, 23:17
Hi david w,
I know precisely what you're saying. The works of fiction and authors are all just that: fictional titles and authors, presumably made up by Paul, the setter, in the 'schoolboy' style of humour.
I usually like Paul as a setter, he is prolific, clever and fair but I really didn't like this or his previous similar Genius puzzle.
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