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25th May 2019, 23:39
...told by Stephen Fry in a Spectator diary piece, 6/11/93 - to paraphrase:-

Fry was in Oxford visiting the Oxford University Press shop.

He was there to order a full set of the Oxford English Dictionary, at that time running to 20 [printed] volumes and costing £1400.

The cost was explained and he was told that a set would be sent to him in due course from their central repository.

On his way to the till he noticed, in the bin end section a couple of copies of 'The Oxford Book of Canadian Political Anecdotes'.

The esoteric title tickled him and he picked up both copies.

As he presented them at the till and opened his wallet, Jeremy Paxman walked through the door. Knowing each other, they exchanged pleasantries and made small talk.

The shop assistant then said to Fry "that'll be fourteen hundred and fourteen pounds 98p please".

Paxman looked at the two books, blanched, and looked at Fry with questioning eyes:

"Ah," said Fry - "a rare and valuable book this 'Oxford Book of Canadian Political Anecdotes - but worth every penny!"
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