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13th May 2019, 17:28
Clue is Swedish Sherlock, 7 letters, ? A ? ? ? L L
none of the other4 letters are the same.
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13th May 2019, 21:18

I didn't realise that some "codeword" puzzles had clues - could you maybe give a couple of examples of some that you've already answered.

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14th May 2019, 07:06
Hi Brendan
You are right, but these are given a title, in this case 'Swedish Sherlock, which almost always relates closely to the answer.
So sometimes you can work them out 'backwards' from that if all else fails.
Anyway I have finally come up with the answer, HANKELL, which fits, but looking that up cant really find what or who Hankell
is / was.
Thanks for your reply. Now onward to my next puzzle. Some of these can be difficult but dont like to be beaten.
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14th May 2019, 08:13
Not Mankell, the author of Wallander?
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14th May 2019, 08:14
Would Mankell work? As in Henning Mankell the Swedish crime author.
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14th May 2019, 08:32
Thanks, Mankell sounds better
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