Really chuffed to have won against such stiff competition, with such a wide spread of votes showing what a wealth of good clues there were to choose from.
Thanks to ChrisE, SteveA, BBM2, Icvotria and Paul for the votes, and to Dorrien, Spike and Brendan for the mentions. (If I've missed anyone out, I apologise).
Well done, Rossim, for hosting and setting such a fruitful challenge. (A short word with multiple meanings, though not always favoured by anagram fans, is obviously a good way to go sometimes). Thanks, also, for my prize. My favourite band ever. They progressed more in a few years than some of my "progressive" heroes (the usual suspects) did in their whole careers.
I hope you can all join in again next week.
I'll now try to convince that "I'm not a robot"
Best wishes, all