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8th May 2019, 12:02
Hopefully someone will have better luck because I am clueless on this one.

****Each storefront on Main Street has an awning with stripes of two colors: either red or green, and either white or yellow. Fourteen awnings have red stripes, nine have yellow, and eleven have green. One-fifth of all the awnings are striped red and yellow.

How many awnings have each color combination?***
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8th May 2019, 12:20
25 stores altogether
9 red /white
5 red/yellow
4 green/yellow
7 green/white
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8th May 2019, 12:27
This still confuses me. How did you come to the number 25? If you dont mind can u just briefly explain that and how you got the other numbers. That would help in understanding it.

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8th May 2019, 12:39
first of all we know that 1/5 are red/yellow ... so total of shops must be a multiple of 5 ......15's not high enough ... so 25 was a good start.

Then draw a venn diagram of 4 and green opposite each other just touching; white and yellow in between again just touching each other with red overlapping yellow, yellow over lapping green, green overlapping white and red overlapping white

Write 14 in the red circle , 5 in the intersecting bit of red and yellow, 9 in yellow...
9 yellow altogether, 5 of them are also red ...which leaves 4 which must be yellow and green ...write 4 in that intersection ..
then continue round till you fill in all intersections.
Luckily they did add to 25 ... or next we could have tried 30.

Hard to explain without the diagram in front of you i know ... but if it's still double dutch i could email you the diagram!
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8th May 2019, 15:31
You don't even need a Venn diagram , icauser.
You can reason it out ...working on the assumption that there are 25 awnings altogether...start with 5 being red/yellow.......
It is really very simple and straightforward
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kilgore trout

8th May 2019, 18:03
No need to assume how many awnings there are.

We know RW+RY+GW+GY = N, the number of awnings


RW+RY=14, GW+GY=11, that adds to N=25, so RY = 5. That gives RW = 9, etc.
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8th May 2019, 20:59
Ok, I must have had a brain fart, I get it now. Thanks for help.
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