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7th May 2019, 09:22
Thanks cerasus. I'll look out for next week's puzzle.
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7th May 2019, 22:49
Good Lord. therogue! You do make me feel old. I've been doing the crossword since I married. That's 2,600 and counting. How many Everymans (Everymen? ) have there been? Sometimes I sail through them sometimes, as is the case this week, get stuck (come unstuck?), solely down the western side in this case. If someone could give me a couple of HINTS ONLY PLEASE I'd appreciate it. Let's see...26ac Resident of Punjab (a state). (7) I have ????A?A. Would that be the home of Birmingham? I can't see why. 2d Stop! Who stops play? What stops play? (7 ) I have R?F????. I thought of a whistle blower but then I'm having trouble with a suspected anagram at 15ac Swimming around lagoons she takes it easy (5,5) ----'S, -O-S-. There are, obviously, other blanks but a little flesh on the bones might help. Thanks in anticipation.
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7th May 2019, 23:20
Hi, Dandybandy!
I'm not very good at giving hints but I'll try.....
26a: What is someone from the Punjab called ? followed by "a", gives the name of the State.
2d: Just answer each question in turn!
15a: anagram of "lagoons she " - definition is "take sit easy"
hope this helps!
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7th May 2019, 23:24
Sorry, typo ….. "takes it easy"
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7th May 2019, 23:26
Hi Dandybandy...

26a No, it is a US state but not the one you're thinking of. Think what someone who comes from would be and add an A

2d You're correct about the "whistle blower" (3 letters) followed by what can stop play in cricket.

15a It is an anagram but none of the online anagram solvers had it, at least none that I checked.
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7th May 2019, 23:28
Sorry, should have read.....

Think of what someone who comes from Punjab would be and add A.
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8th May 2019, 13:48
Thanks one and all. The bones are fully fleshed. The trouble I had with the Punjab one is that I forgot it was a area of controversy and only remembered the Pakistani side. Doh! Thanks again. Now I can drive down to Southampton for the Isle of "Man" ferry (Think about it.) Was meant to be an early start but it's not far from Manchester. Thanks again guys - none gender specific.
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8th May 2019, 14:43
Thanks Dandtb, glad to help. Enjoy your trip.
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8th May 2019, 15:00
You are welcome, Dandyb!
I once went pony -trekking on the Isle of Man!
You might see Andyc……..
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10th May 2019, 10:37
Ah, but which Isle of Man Elle? The one in the Irish Sea where you say good morning to the fairies or the one in the south just over the water from Southampton? Different etymology.
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