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7th April 2019, 11:40
Overall, a satisfactory offering this week.

My only grouse is with 15D - Not everyone living overseas is familiar with contemporary British politicians.
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7th April 2019, 11:51
Raghu, when I do/attempt American crosswords - such as in the Wall Street Journal - I accept that there might be political and cultural references that I won't know. I think the same applies to anyone living overseas if they attempt a British crossword. It was a fairly straightforward clue in that the wordplay gave up most of the answer.
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7th April 2019, 12:12
I think, Raghu, that there is also another way to parse 15 d without involving Michael Gove.....
gloss over = ignore (def)
goer - Brexiteer
loss- defeat
v - v (ote) /referendum
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7th April 2019, 12:47
@malone references to British historical, political, literary, cultural works and figures are to be expected in Everyman and now growingly French a Berkshire village or an award winning actress is par for the course....only that Gove perhaps is not as renowned a politician...

@elle goer commonly used for Brexiteers? in broadsheets too?
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7th April 2019, 12:50
I like it Elle, that's what I call lateral thinking :-)
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7th April 2019, 13:03
Elle, that was artful parsing!

Raghu, Brexiteers are usually referred to as Leavers (as opposed to Remainers) but there's no reason why they couldn't be Goers. Maybe the more usual meaning of Goer makes this unlikely? I think Michael Gove is extremely well-known in Britain.
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7th April 2019, 13:04
Definitely a very welcome change from the last couple of weeks.
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7th April 2019, 13:20
It's unusual to have an option with the parsing, Brendan!
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7th April 2019, 14:05
Yes, very unusual Elle, and it means Mr. Gove can be avoided altogether - I'm saying nothing! :-)
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7th April 2019, 14:24
Brendan, I thought the second parsing was fun - but it's a pity it doesn't really work!
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