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29th March 2019, 18:20
There is a clue which I cannot fathom. It is: "Bay is to FAL as WAVE is to "

Does this register with anyone?
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30th March 2019, 09:07
Hi Attrix, I don't know the puzzle, is RFA the Royal Fleet Auxiliary?

Because there could be a simple maritime theme here.

Fal Bay is one of our [UK] bays so we could simply be looking for a word to precede WAVE in a known usage.

How many letters and do you know any checked lights?
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30th March 2019, 09:54
Hi kt17, and thank you for the reply. I am new to this site and, of course, now realise it was silly of me not to add the info!

Yes, it is indeed the Royal Fleet Auxilliary, and the answer has six letters, the second being E, the fourth being S.

There are both Bay class and Wave class vessels in the fleet, and my first thought was that FAL was similar, for example to "LSL" and acronym for Landing Ships Logistics, also a class of vessel in the RFA, and that WAVE would be an acronym for another class of vessel.

However, while I could get "Auxilliary Landing" from FAL, I can't determine the F, and for the life of me, I can not come up with anything related to WAVE.
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30th March 2019, 10:01
Thanks Attrix - I would suggest the answer is VESSEL except that as a suffix [to WAVE] it fails to meet the geometry of my first reply to you.

Maybe I'm misconstruing it altogether!

It looks like a rather clonky clue - good luck!
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