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30th March 2019, 14:22
Thanks Rossim for hosting with BREXIT breathing down your neck----
and congrats BBM2

Grateful as ever for Les Menches !! from Ginge,Nemo., Marty and Aristo

Kind regards to all Thea(o)
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30th March 2019, 14:48
...................and Brexit goes on!
I was going to post the petition as I have been transfixed watching the number counter.
However, I thought there might be complaints!
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30th March 2019, 20:32
Well done Marty and thanks for the challenge Rossim.

I`ve watched most of the Brexit debates from the Commons (yes I know I`m a sad person!) - what strikes me is that the layout of the chamber itself is designed for confrontation - whereas consensus is what is required. Bercow doesn`t help proceedings by making personal remarks - your clue was spot on Tatters!
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30th March 2019, 21:23
I can't remember where I heard/read it , but apparently the layout of the chamber is such that the two sides are just over two sword lengths apart. Symbolically they can't stab each other!
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31st March 2019, 02:41
....but they can shoot each other!
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