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24th March 2019, 10:41
Just two I can't get:

Drink brought back one on holiday (4)

- A - A

Store with a spot in Panama? (7)

- A - I - A -

Help (and reasons) gratefully received.
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24th March 2019, 10:44
Store... Habitat. It's A Bit, a spot, in(side) Hat, Panama.
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24th March 2019, 10:45
CAVA - A + VAC brought back/reversed

HABITAT - HAT (Panama) around A BIT
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24th March 2019, 10:46
Drink... Cava? That's a drink and it would be A Vac, a holiday, reversed (brought back).
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24th March 2019, 10:49
Thanks Malone and Brendan

It makes perfect sense once someone explains!!
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24th March 2019, 10:54
Glad we could help. I hesitated about the Vac, holiday, as it's a word that I've never seen or heard other than in crosswords! I suppose it's just very dated.
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