...changed the rubric of peer review when I set? I feel it could be a little clearer as to strictness of timings and some other etceterae. If anyone says no I'll shut up and revert to the previous version.
See below:-
Welcome to our weekly competition to compose a cryptic clue, to be judged on by fellow contestants.
Forum members may enter an unlimited number of clues and all forum members are most welcome to join in.
Please explain your clue if you think it will help others to get it - also please feel free to ask another poster to explain their clue [such requests may be made before the submission of clues closes].
Entrants should vote for their preferred clue after submission of clues has finished (see below). Voters should clearly include the post number of their preferred clue.
Votes from forum members who have not submitted a clue will be disregarded.
The entry with the most votes wins and its composer sets next week's competition.
No comments on clues should be made until voting has finished.
Clues may be submitted from now until 11.00am on Friday 15th March.
Votes may be posted from 11.00am to 8.00pm on the above date.
Any clues or votes date-stamped outside of these times and dates will be disregarded.
The setter has the deciding vote in the event of a tie and has sole discretion to do so. The setter will declare the winner and award an online prize.
This week’s peer review challenge is:
Have fun and good luck!