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3rd March 2019, 12:50
I'm going off the new Everyman setter more and more. Clues are either private too easy or so ridiculously contorted they're impossible to solve. There's just no elegance or wit. The last straw came today, 26 across 'Socialist pallid and glum seeing display of patriotism'. 3/5/3/4 letters.
The answer's easy.
But I don't like it's ethos. Not good at all. A mediocre clue revealing an unpleasant political message.
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3rd March 2019, 20:15
I don't get on with all the inverted commas, which are quite unnecessary.


Drunk to make garment 'intimate'

But it's not as bad as it has been previously.
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3rd March 2019, 20:56
I agree that today's was better than those of recent weeks. Yes the 26A clue was a bit weak, but then it's useful for novices to get something to give them a starting point. As long as it's just the one....

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