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26th February 2019, 18:07
Flagged in a traffic light sequence
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26th February 2019, 20:06

ROW (sequence) in A RED (traffic light)

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26th February 2019, 22:25
Sorry but I don't get how that is related to money am I missing something
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27th February 2019, 01:13
Arrow heads were used as money in some societies . . but that is drawing a pretty long bow

"traffic light sequence" to me says GAR/ ARG/ RGA . . (Green,amber,red etc)

Or GOR etc . . Orange

'Arrowed' is great thinking . . but 'money'??

Please provide the answer HP
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27th February 2019, 13:05
Yes those were the letters I would use for a traffic light sequence but it hasn't helped yet. Thanks for trying
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