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24th February 2019, 15:02
A hint for anyone who hasn't got there yet.
I tried to find out what "lute" has to do with tooth repair.
O googled "lute", wickipedia'd it, disambiguated it, all to no avail.
I then googled "lute tooth repair" and good old Amazon offered to sell me some.
I must have led a sheltered existence as I have never heard of this!
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24th February 2019, 15:34
Magpie, one definition of 'lute' (in Chambers) is 'material used as a protective covering, a waterproof seal'. Would that work? You didn't give the whole clue.
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24th February 2019, 15:39
Yellowish teeth may be repaired with this kind of lead

Lutescent - Yellowish

Lute - a type of dental cement/fixative
Scent - a lead (in an investigation eg)
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24th February 2019, 16:54
Hi Malone,
I didn't give the clue or number on the assumption that any one interested would find it eventually.
I did look in Chambers but no mention of teeth!
I always thought that Chambers was THE source of reference for Time and Sunday Times crosswords
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24th February 2019, 17:03
Magpie, there are loads of helpful solvers on the Forum, but they don't get all the papers - giving the clue widens the chance of help.

The crossword editor of the Times said - a few months ago, I think - that there isn't a definitive dictionary for solving. The setters use Chambers and the SOED, words from Collins also appear sometimes.
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24th February 2019, 17:25
Hi Malone,
For once I wasn't looking for help; I was offering it.
The help was of use only to those doing the crossword so I didn't see the point in saying any more than I did!
I have in the past, while seeking help, been very particular in giving full information of crossword, clue number, clue length and known letters.
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24th February 2019, 17:35
Sorry, magpie, I didn't realise your first post was offering help.

I like getting the clues as there's quite a few crosswords I don't see - the Guardian and Telegraph, say, and it means I get to tackle the odd clue here and there. Clues such as your 'lute...' one throw up some interesting pieces of info!
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24th February 2019, 20:51
Thanks magpie (and others) - that makes 3 new words for me arising from this crossword.

The other two?

- the answer to 11d Cryptograms confused a posh gangster (13) ... it was one of the few I was completely stumped by, and an anagram solver site revealed the answer

- a word (you'll see) in the clue for 17a Still square and homosocial essentially. I have the answer, but not the parse.

So, once again, a learning opportunity for me!
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24th February 2019, 22:37
- a word (you'll see) in the clue for 17a Still square and homosocial essentially. I have the answer, but not the parse."

Is it 'even so' or 'ever so'?
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24th February 2019, 22:44
Even - Still
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