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12th February 2019, 19:19
British comedy TV series (3,9,8)

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12th February 2019, 19:34
The Reluctant Landlord

It would have helped others to help you sooner, if you had gave the letters you should have accrued.
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12th February 2019, 20:26

It was actually an anagram using selected letters from a crossword, but I wasn't sure which of the letters I had were correct. Turns out that I didn't have all 20.

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12th February 2019, 20:47
I'm aware of that Chantho. But even if they had most of the correct letters. Others may have had a fighting chance. Not all of us have a copy of the xword you are doing.

And if you can add the full clue to the previous thread as it is writen in the paper. I and others will have another look and see if we can help.

I'm refering to the previous clue.


23d ......clue...... (6)

All the above is sometimes essential. Even the clue number and whether it's an across clue or down clue.

So to help us help you. Please write everything as it is written.
No promises that I can help. But I will try.
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