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6th February 2019, 08:47
Gertrude was 59 years of age in 1998. When she married in 1977 her groom was 23 years older than she was. In what year was her husband born?
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6th February 2019, 09:01
1916. Gertrude was born 1939, her groom 23 years earlier. The marriage information isn't relevant.

Is there a trick element to this? It seems an odd puzzle.
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6th February 2019, 10:57
Are you sure you've worded this question correctly? As Malone has already pointed out, it doesn't really matter when they were married - if he was 23 years older than her in 1977, he's going to be 23 years older than her in 1978, 1979, 1980 and so on...
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6th February 2019, 12:10
I have a feeling we might be waiting quite a long time for a reply, Malone. I recall Rossim provided answers to some questions on a post about 9 or 10 days ago, waited a full day before asking if they were of any help, and is still waiting.
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6th February 2019, 16:13

Yes, Rossim and Chrise no longer reply to this poster as they never receive acknowledgements. Nor me
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6th February 2019, 19:16
Thanks, Brendan and Jigjag. I know that icauser doesn't always return to his/her questions - but this puzzle seemed so silly in a way, I wanted to know if there was supposed to be more to it! I might never find out...
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