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5th February 2019, 14:04
I have now bought and read "The Queen's Man". I enjoyed the story but found some of the detail somewhat annoying eg the over-use of "certes". Also, somene's face is said to be as white as a mushroom grown in a cellar. Mushrooms were not cultivated in Europe until the 17th century. The fruiting bodies of dry and wet rot are yellowish brown and olive brown respectvely. There is one white wet rot that grows in cellars, but it's not really a mushroom. Ah well, pedants united again!
Does the series get better?
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5th February 2019, 14:24
Hi rosalind
The second one is mostly a straight detective story, though the siege of Windsor does interrupt it. The 3rd is better than the second. It's set mostly in Chester and Rhuddlan, and we meet Llewellyn ap Ioreth.
I'm not sure about the 4th. It's mostly in Paris and Normandy, and it's rather dark. It's also much longer than the others.
They are of a smilar standard, but, if pressed, I would say that the first one is just about the best.
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5th February 2019, 14:38
I know what you mean about innaccuracies, though. One of my favourite books - The villa in Italy by Elizabeth Edmondson - has at least half a dozen trivial but irritating errors that I would love to correct! She even gets the name of two of her (admittedly, offscreen) characters wrong at one point...
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5th February 2019, 14:44
My parnts lived near Chester and I know Rhuddlan Castle quite well (what's leftof it!) so maybe I'll go for the 3rd. I am currently reading Rose Tremain's "Renaissance".

From experience I know that even paying for full editing does not eliminate such mistakes.
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5th February 2019, 14:44
I've seen this referred to as "Sid's Law" - any post pointing out typos must contain one!
Inaccuracies, of course.
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