hi Tony the clue
"Hartebeest taken by public transport round island resort."
has no inicators to suggest indirect(or direct)anagrams.
"Hartebeest taken by public transport maybe round island perhaps resort."
could indicate an anag of two indirect anagrams,although,resort, to mean re-sort is a bit iffy.
To guess a word for "Island" as part of an anagram instead of guessing a word for "Island Resort"as a word is quite a big ask.
Using Araucarias thoughts on indirect anagrams and 'Ximenean' clues is just confusing the matter - there are none here! and I had to re-read it to make sure that it was irrelvant.
I also think that K phrased his questions in an unpleasant and snidey way (have you stopped beating your wife yet?)
"I note what you say MISTLEY and ask you to tell me why the letters busbali cannot be anagrammed into Bubalis."
Of course they can,except they wern't.
"Could you also help by explaining why 'resort' is not an anagram indicator."
Of course it is,except when it's not
"Thank you- I'm always anxious to learn."
Both questions are self referential,and both don't apply in this case, i get the feeling that K is more than smart enough to know this.