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3rd February 2019, 17:05
2 is a one-letter abbreviation for 'fellow' inside an abbreviation for one of the services within the British Armed Forces.

13 is a one-letter abbreviation for adult followed by a word meaning 'kindly disposed' or 'prizing highly' (which is usually followed by 'of'). The answer is (1,4).
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3rd February 2019, 17:07
I felt a link was sufficient in this case Jack,.
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3rd February 2019, 17:15
Mamya - yes, absolutely sufficient. I was just trying to explain why people giving replies never include links to Chambers, although it is the recommended reference for Azed puzzles.
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3rd February 2019, 17:15
Thank you jacknatter. I guessed both these answers without being able to parse either. I'm afraid even with your clarification I don't equate the second word of the answer to "kindly disposed" even with the missing "of". And perhaps a reference to the whole answer being in a foreign language would be fairer. Many thanks for your help.
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3rd February 2019, 17:31
Azed treats any definition given in Chambers as fair game, and Chambers gives 'kindly disposed' for the word in 13. He does not normally flag solutions taken directly from other languages (eg 'ultra vires') if they have their own entry in Chambers; he generally does, though, flag solutions which are shown by Chambers as being used only in certain geographic regions (eg SW England, Scotland, Australia) as well as those shown as old, archaic, obsolete or historical.
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3rd February 2019, 17:39
Thanks for the clarification. I hardly ever finish an Azed so was happy to do so today despite knowing why before I came here.
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3rd February 2019, 17:43
P.S. I would also add that there are sever archaisms today which were not flagged. There again I expect to be challenged by this setter.
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3rd February 2019, 18:23
There are several words which are certainly not in common use, but the only one shown by Chambers as being past its use-by date is the solution at 2dn, which Azed has flagged by qualifying it with 'Old'.
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3rd February 2019, 18:49
Again thank you for the clarification.
I take your point about Azed's scrupulous adherence to Chambers. But if you haven't got access, you're guessing a lot of the time.
For example, I wonder how many solvers have ever come across the answers to 18 and 23ac or 20dn?
Finally I wonder if you could enlighten me as to what the * against 12 dn means. Again a word I've never heard nor seen in print.
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3rd February 2019, 19:12
I don't remember ever coming across the spelling at 18ac, and it's not even given in the full-fat OED (not an uncommon situation, in reality). I remarked in a post not long ago that I felt that solvers taking on Azed without the aid of Chambers had a significant handicap (when parsing wordplays as much as when deducing the solutions). The versions for IOS and Android are very good and relatively inexpensive.

The first Azed of every month features a clue-writing competition, where solvers must produce their own cryptic clue for the entry marked with an asterisk (here the word at 12dn). Submitting a correctly completed grid is a pre-requisite, but Azed then awards the prizes based on his assessment of the quality of the clues. I would suggest that Chambers is essential for anyone hoping to succeed in the competition with any regularity.
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