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manic mary

4th February 2019, 13:53
Thank you everyone, drxx for the definition that I really should have known. As to the Sci Fi film, I will not have the faintest about that so will just have to grid stare a little more bearing in mind your hints.
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4th February 2019, 15:31
The sci-fi source is comedic manic mary - I'm not keen on the genre either but I enjoyed this.
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5th February 2019, 20:03
I hope you got the film, manic mary.

Google Sci-fi film Helen Mirren. The film title has 6 words.
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manic mary

6th February 2019, 10:28
Thank you all for the help, never saw the film but the book was a staple in the olden days of youth, should have realised! Have the LH chain (15) & a RH chain (10) and know which letter to remove but that makes me 4 letters short for the 1st question and I don't really understand the second part of the preamble about the '29'.
14 of 19  -   Report This Post


6th February 2019, 10:35
LH chain needs either "THE" at the front or "AND" at the end to make it up to the required 18 letters.

If you shade the middle cell.......
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manic mary

6th February 2019, 16:21
Thank you Cowbit, I see I have got the right letter removed and thank you also to Bunty for the push towards the extra letters, had marked the wrong last two letters. However, still am not seeing how shading the central letter does anything useful at all. Please forgive stupidity!
16 of 19  -   Report This Post


6th February 2019, 16:26
MM, don't think of the central thing as a letter, it's more of a symbol. And if you use it with the other two shaded areas, you will get...
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manic mary

6th February 2019, 16:55
Claps hand to head and hangs same in disgrace whist groaning very loudly! Thank you all.
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6th February 2019, 18:53
Glad you made it,MM. We've all had D'oh moments!
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