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25th January 2019, 21:17
Greg Abate is a local saxophonist whose performances we've really enjoyed. Just in case any of these places is in your neck of the woods...

July 6 With Craig Milverton Trio Exeter 5 pm
July 7 Plymouth Jazz Club
July 8 Bexley Jazz Club
July 9 Wilmslow Conservative Club 8:30
July 10 Sheffield Jazz Club 8 pm
July 11 Smokey Jones 8 pm Cheltenham
July 12 Redding Jazz Club with Craig Milverton Trio. 8 pm
July 13. 606 Lotts Rd London 9:30 Craig Milverton Trio
July 14 Tad Newton and Friend’s Walnut Tree Blisworth 12 noon
July 14 Peggy’s Skylight 3 George St Nottingham 115-924-0176 with SImon Patterson 8 pm
July 16 Brentwood Susan May
July 17 The Spice of Life London 12:30-2:30
July 17 Evening Swansea at The Garage at Whitez 47 Uplands Crescent

July 18 Folkestone Jazz Club 8 pm
July 19-20 Jazz Fola Luynes France
July 22 London Business Schol with Alex Steele Quartet 26 Sussex Place London NE1 4SA
July 23 Watermill Jazz Club ,Dorking with Stephen Fishwick
July 24 Eastbourne Spash Jazz Club
July 25 All Saints Church Hove 1-2
July 25 Beckenham Jazz Jazz Club 8 pm Susan May
July26 Marigolds Jazz Club Harlow 8pm
July 27 Masterclass for the Southend Jazz Co-op at Hadleigh Old Fire Station (SS7 2PB)” 10 am -13:00
July 28 Llandudno Jazz Festival Wales
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25th January 2019, 22:20

Thanks for that - the Llandudno one is within reach for me and I will make a note of the date
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26th January 2019, 14:11
Good Morning Ari

Have you got a tracker on my phone ?! :-)
I am 3 hours behind you(again )
Cuz is attending the NAMM show in Anaheim, CA. The 'old boy'(he won't mind me calling him that ) has quite a following with the young Brasilian drummers. He finds it amusing.
I had not heard of Greg Abate but found him on youtube.
He has a good sound.
Back home, the Watermill Jazz club is about half an hour drive, but I do not drive at night now. My eyesight is good, but I am not happy driving along country lanes that are unlit.
I hope the weather is good where you are, also that you and your family are keeping well.
Kind regards
Ms Jazz x
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27th January 2019, 01:38
I can't see you as a California girl, but you know, like, whatever. :)
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