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23rd January 2019, 08:39
Published answer to 4d in EV1364 shows Picene but I got Pinene which I think is equally valid. Any takers? Connie
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23rd January 2019, 08:43
Could you give the clue? Not everyone here has a copy - especially of a past crossword - but would help if they could.
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23rd January 2019, 08:55
Well, certainly they are both hydrocarbons, Connie.
Can you not tell from the parsing of the clue which answer would be correct...or whether both are equally valid?
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23rd January 2019, 08:59
Elle, I've tracked down the clue...

Compound found in conifers, mostly over Nebraska (6)
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23rd January 2019, 09:05
I think Connie might be right, it looks like 'Conifers mostly' = PINE(s) around NE (Nebraska).
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23rd January 2019, 09:08
Nebraska gives the NE

However the "conifers" could be PINE(s) or PICE(a).....

I think PINENE is the better answer, as it is produced by conifers.
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23rd January 2019, 09:12
Either answer is valid as far as I'm concerned. The clue would be weak if the answer were PINENE, as the removal of the S from the end of a plural noun (PINES) is generally frowned upon, so I would favour PICENE on the grounds that it is likely to be what the setter intended, although a clue that has two possible answers is weak anyway! If it were an across clue, PINENE would be the only solution, with 'over' acting as a containment indicator.
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23rd January 2019, 09:23
Chris, you're the chemistry expert...…..where is "piCene" to be found?
All I know is that it is a residue from petrol distillation?
Has it anything to do with conifers?
Whereas I agree with you that "pinene" comes from conifers...mentioned in the clue.
So ..I would agree with Connie that "pinene" fits the clue better?
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23rd January 2019, 09:26
Yes, elle, PICENE has nothing to do with conifers. It's a multiple ring structure (like naphthalene or anthracene, but more rings), derived, as you say, from petroleum.
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23rd January 2019, 09:34
Thanks, Chris!
Then surely that rules out the possibility of "picene" as being correct?
Otherwise why mention "conifers" in the clue?

Yet Connie tells us that the published answer WAS "piCene"....
Surely a setter's error?
Or maybe a printing mistake?
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