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20th January 2019, 14:26
Is there a problem with the definition for 39ac?
The resulting 'S' doesn't seem to belong anywhere if I've understood the wordplay correctly.
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20th January 2019, 14:29
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20th January 2019, 14:40
I can't find the U/A clash - can someone help?
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20th January 2019, 14:45
sorry kirky - I meant 29ac.

cockie - I've found a possibility for the A/U in 29ac - but it doesn't work with the definition as it stands.
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20th January 2019, 14:49
I agree but didn't know how to phrase it without spoiling the puzzle for others. It would be really pushing boundaries if ???u met the definition even if it is used for skirting boards !
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20th January 2019, 14:54
yes to skirting boards ginge - brilliant!
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20th January 2019, 15:02
... and thanks for the confirmation.
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20th January 2019, 16:36
I am now even more puzzled than usual given the comments about 29a. I have an alternative spelling for an Arab prince written backwards but I think 'skirts' is the definition and is a simple plural ending in 's'. I am really struggling with 3 down ( plod on building bypass - 6/two words) and 30 down (quaintly quondam lyric about what gets love going - 4). I think the third letter of that clashes with the last letter of 34 across. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
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20th January 2019, 16:55
alwayspuzzled - 29ac becomes problematic later on.

'plod' is a slang word + 3 letters for a rough building (giving the misprint).

Usual 3 letter wrd for a poem around 'what kicks off' = 'starts'...
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20th January 2019, 17:03
Mysteriously the on-line clue for 29A now has "Tree" as its first word. I'm guessing Chris is reading this (Hi, Chris!) and that a late emendation has been included. Will all paper copies of the ST be gathered in and pulped? Watch this space!
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