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stevie gee

5th January 2019, 09:14
Well done. That will be the rugby team and the football team kitted out in WS T-Shirts now.
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5th January 2019, 17:03
Thanks, Stevie, and a Happy New Year to you. Didn't get the Herald until we went round the corner this afternoon, so hadn't seen the results. (Nikki and her fiance now have a flat in Bishopbriggs and Skye had a "sleepover" with them last night, so I didn't do the usual morning walk today. She misses the dog more than she misses us. We'll have to clone her, because I miss her when Nikki has her.).
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stevie gee

5th January 2019, 17:16
Happy New Year to you and Margaret. You do become attached to the 4 legged creatures. I hope it doesn't prevent you from getting out for a pint. I heard Robert is giving up the lease for the Wheatsheaf. I haven't been walking lately as I fractured my shoulder and had to have a metal plate and pins inserted. I'm still convalescing but on the mend. Hope to see you soon.
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6th January 2019, 16:37
Sorry to hear of your injury. Hope you're fighting fit soon. As far as the Wheatsheaf is concerned, David the barman is looking to take it on along with Miller, barman in the Torrance Inn. I hope they're successful, but there are another two interested parties and Punch Taverns seem to be dragging their heels over making a decision. Watch this space.
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