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3rd January 2019, 22:58
I'd be interested in your thoughts...

I most like a [cryptic] crossword that follows the following rules:

a). I can complete it (eventually)
b). It makes my brain hurt a little
c). Takes more than one day's attention to solve.

For example, this weeks EV was perfect, a brain-hurting two-dayer, but most Speccies, neat but too quick.

While difficult EV's, or more difficult ones than even that are, to my small brain, undo-able therefore unsatisfying.

So I ask, out of interest, what makes an enjoyable puzzle for you?
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3rd January 2019, 23:36
a) yes
b) yes
c) I like to have to finished within the day, ready for the next onslaught!

If I have only a few left, after several rounds at it, then - as a learning/understanding exercise (not to claim completion) - I'll ask here or search for the answer.
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3rd January 2019, 23:39
Plus I like to learn a new word occasionally. Havng built it from the cryptic clue, I'll reach for the dictionary to confirm it exists, and confirm it has the requisite meaning.
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4th January 2019, 06:51
Hi, KT17. I can agree with your first two 'rules', but I prefer to complete a crossword the same day I started it. This doesn't always happen, of course - Inquisitor sometimes needs a second day.
Also, our experiences of certain puzzles varies so much. You thought this week's EV was perfect, a two-dayer, but I was slightly less enthusiastic. Yes, it was good fun, cleverly done, but I had it finished by lunch-time, so it wasn't as satisfying as it could have been. I don't think I finished it quickly because I'm so smart - we all cope differently with various setters.
I always like something to admire in a crossword - that can be an element of fun in the clues, or a nice, logical theme that follows steps all the way through, or an impressive grid construction. I dislike puzzles that are too clever for their own good - well, that's my excuse for being unable to complete some!
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4th January 2019, 22:25
@Malone, a characteristically elegant response... I believe that a puzzle too troublesome for you would be thoroughly unfit for purpose.

And Malone you are much quicker than me because you are much cleverer than I am. So being 24 hours behind you is a very satisfactory place for me to be!

Happy new year all - always enjoy reading everyones' clever posts.

PS I won the first prize in Speccie 2387 today so I'll be buying stamps with the winnings!
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4th January 2019, 22:35
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4th January 2019, 22:46
Thanks Steve!

Hope you get next week's!

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5th January 2019, 06:56
KT17, thanks for your reply, and your kind words. No, there are definitely setters whose puzzles are beyond me! I console myself with the fact that this must be true for many solvers/would-be solvers.

Congratulations on your Spectator win, it's always nice to hear of a success.
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