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3rd January 2019, 14:53
Any other solvers on this board do Crossnumber Quarterly? It is published 4 times a year with about a dozen mathematical puzzles.

If so, has anyone made headway on the Gos puzzle? The phrasing of the instructions is rather oblique:

Letters in the clues have been allocated, in no particular order, to a single digit integer. The same letter represents the same integer throughout.

Yes, 'integer' is italicized. What is the difference between a 'single digit integer' and simply a digit? Is 111 a single digit integer?
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3rd January 2019, 16:37
I've always understood integer means a whole number. I would guess a single digit integer is 1, 2,3 to 9, but that (presumably) wouldn't be enough letters.

No idea. Where's AB when you need him/her??
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6th January 2019, 18:05
Hi, buzzb,

Just seen this puzzle. There are nine letters used (A to H plus J), so the temptation is to conclude that each letter corresponds to one of the integers from 1 to 9. But remember that integers can be negative as well as positive, so the full range of possible values is -9 to +9. I suspect that this is what the puzzle’s title is hinting at.
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7th January 2019, 00:56

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7th January 2019, 13:51
Another thing we might well take for granted is that the letters stand for distinct integers. The preamble does not say that this is the case here.

I have not been able to get very far with this one.

Have you all solved the first puzzle in CQ9? It could well have been kept for the next quarter and we might then have been tackling it on April 1st!
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7th January 2019, 13:55
Another thing we might well take for granted is that the letters stand for distinct integers. The preamble does not say that this is the case here.

I have not been able to get very far with this one.

Have you all solved the first puzzle in CQ9? It could well have been kept for the next quarter and we might then have been tackling it on April 1st!
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7th January 2019, 13:58
Apologies for the repeated post. I was asked to complete the robot thing correctly even though my first effort had been received!
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