How brilliant to have retained locomotive number one (mostly!). My gt gt gt grandfather's iron works refashioned the boiler of the very early Timothy Hackworth Royal George loco (0-6-0!), but I have not been able to find if any of it remains. The Rocket will find it way to the museum in York next year.
I know of one lady engine driver in Wales, but they do seem rare. The path to becoming a driver involves being a fireman first, which is seriously hot, sweaty and very hard work. Maybe not all that many women would want to spend weekends that way......
My favourite story re trains and girls is a friend's daughter (aged 4, I think) who was given a wooden train set for her birthday by her parents (her father, I believe!) Her grandmother gave her a doll's pram. The little girl was found pushing two of the carriages around in the pram, tenderly wrapped up in a blanket.