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19th November 2018, 09:01
20a m?t?t?s ?u?a????? I think it's mutates something.....
19d. R???e? Is it rasher?
22d ??n? Is it inns

Finally why is 8d maestoso ( apart from musical term for very good) Where do material and mine come in?

Thank you
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19th November 2018, 09:04
We need the clues
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19th November 2018, 09:05
Clues ?
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19th November 2018, 09:09
Sorry, typed them in once then lost them

20a summit data units modified, making necessary changes 7,8
19d unwanted guest snaffling first breakfast item 6
22d what's put in brew? (Boozer will ignore recipe)
8d why?
Material in mine brought up to very good 14 and 14 is tempo ( hence maestoso)
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19th November 2018, 09:12
20a mutatis mutandis
anag. summit data units
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19th November 2018, 09:13
Mutatis mutandis anagram
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19th November 2018, 09:15
Thank you. I have some Latin but not that!
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19th November 2018, 09:17
Seam (material in mibe) reversed (brought up) + to + so (very)
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19th November 2018, 09:18
So 19d is now d?n?
Unwanted guest snaffling first breakfast item
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19th November 2018, 09:19
19 (C)rasher
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